Gary Jones & Chris Hahn: ESCAPE FROM DEATH BLOCK 13

The title says it all, but the movie Gary Jones made says the rest. Whiskey Business dove into the realm of lower budget action movies with Writer/Director Gary Jones and Chris Hahn who plays Bunyan in the film. A fun, funny and fascinating conversation about the trials and tribulations of making movies took place with insights into how to make something BIG with a small, less-than-standard Hollywood budget. Filmed in Ohio, the film has notable and familiar actors like Nick Turturro and Lawrence Hilton Jacobs and star Robert Bronzi who bears an uncanny resemblance to Charles Bronson. Tune in and find out why that was by design. We also (by design) shared a bottle of Big House bourbon. That seemed appropriate since we were talking about a prison film. So give a listen. Hey- it’s not “hard time” it’s a good time.


Anne Dimmick & Fr. Nic Ventura: The Horror and The Holy


Billy Demora: ONE MORA TIME