They Say It’s Your Birthday

This week on Whiskey Business it was just “the guys” as we realized 2024 brought “milestone” birthdays to each of us. Greg turned 40. Chip turned 60. John will be 60 in a few weeks and I turned (ahem) 65. The lively, funny and at times serious discussion ranged from where we’re at, where we’ve been and most importantly where are we going with the gas that’s still left in our life tanks. If you’ve got a big birthday coming or have had one, give a listen or watch and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You’re not getting older, you’re getting better! Right? Right?! Ugh…


Sumukh Torgalkar: Happy Christmas, Diwali…Happy All Of It.


HALLO-WHISKEY-WEEN with Psychic Cindy Riggs